In Darkness (2018) is a thrilling crime drama that follows a blind musician as she embarks on a dangerous journey into the criminal underworld of London. The protagonist, who remains unnamed, becomes entangled in a murder case when she overhears a killing that takes place in the apartment above hers. This discovery propels her into a dark and dangerous world she never expected.
As she navigates through the gritty and treacherous criminal landscape, she must rely on her other senses to piece together the puzzle and identify the murderer. However, her blindness proves to be both a hindrance and a strength as she uncovers shocking secrets and corrupt alliances.
This atmospheric film explores themes of trust, deception, and the depths of human nature as the blind musician delves deeper into the criminal underbelly of London. As the tension mounts, she must confront her own vulnerabilities and confront the reality of the darkness that lurks within the city.
With captivating performances and intense storytelling, In Darkness will keep audiences on the edge of their seats as they follow the blind musician's desperate and harrowing quest for truth. Prepare to be enthralled by this gripping crime thriller that will leave you questioning who you can truly trust.
Also Known As:
In DarknessRelease Date:
25 May 2018Writers:
Anthony Byrne, Natalie Dormer