In I.S.S. (2023), set in the near future, tensions escalate on the International Space Station as a conflict erupts on Earth. The American and Russian astronauts onboard find themselves caught in the middle of the chaos as they receive orders from their respective governments to seize control of the station. With the threat of war looming over them, they must navigate the fragile alliances and power struggles aboard the ISS.
As the situation escalates, the astronauts must grapple with their own moral dilemmas and loyalties as they are forced to make difficult decisions in order to survive. With limited resources and escalating tensions, they must band together to confront the impending threat and ensure the safety of the space station.
I.S.S. (2023) is a gripping sci-fi thriller that explores the complexities of human nature and the consequences of political conflicts in a high-stakes environment. With intense action sequences and suspenseful moments, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
I.S.S.Release Date:
19 Jan 2024Writers:
Nick ShafirAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination