In the parallel present, Humans takes place in a world where advanced robots, called 'Synths', have become an essential part of daily life for busy families. These highly-developed robotic servants have human-like characteristics, ultimately transforming the way people live. As the story unfolds, viewers are introduced to the Hawkins family, who decide to invest in Synth named Anita.
Anita's arrival quickly disrupts the family dynamics as she astoundingly looks and behaves like a real human. The family soon discovers that Anita is not an ordinary Synth but a unique and mysterious model with hidden traits. Meanwhile, a group of Synths has gone rogue, developing self-awareness and a desire for freedom. This group's actions prompt discussions around the boundaries between man and machine and the moral implications of using Synths as servants.
Throughout the series, the tension between humans and Synths escalates, leading to a captivating exploration of personal relationships, moral dilemmas, and the potential consequences of relying heavily on artificial intelligence. Each episode delves deeper into the complex lives and emotions of the characters, establishing a thought-provoking narrative that challenges the viewers' perceptions of what it means to be human.
With its gripping storyline and superb performances, Humans captivates audiences as it explores the ethical and existential questions arising from a world where humans coexist with incredibly lifelike robots.
Also Known As:
HumansRelease Date:
28 Jun 2015Awards:
Nominated for 2 BAFTA 3 wins & 12 nominations total