In the thrilling and heartwarming third installment of the beloved How to Train Your Dragon franchise, Hiccup embarks on a daring adventure to protect his dragon companion Toothless. When Hiccup discovers that Toothless is not the only Night Fury, he becomes determined to find The Hidden World, a secret Dragon Utopia where dragons can live in peace. However, Hiccup must act quickly before the villainous Grimmel reaches this mythical paradise first.
The film takes viewers on a visually stunning journey, filled with breathtaking animation and vibrant landscapes. As Hiccup and Toothless face a pivotal point in their lives, their bond is tested like never before. Alongside his loyal friends, Hiccup must navigate the challenges of rescuing captured dragons, battling fierce enemies, and ultimately making difficult decisions that will shape the future of both dragons and humans.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is a captivating adventure that explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of love. With a stellar voice cast including Jay Baruchel as Hiccup and America Ferrera as Astrid, the film combines humor, action, and emotion to create an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Don't miss out on this epic conclusion to the How to Train Your Dragon trilogy, and join Hiccup and Toothless on their journey to protect their cherished world.
Also Known As:
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden WorldRelease Date:
22 Feb 2019Writers:
Dean DeBlois, Cressida CowellAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 6 wins & 65 nominations total