In this quirky coming-of-age sci-fi movie, How to Talk to Girls at Parties takes viewers on an intergalactic adventure through the London suburb of Croydon. The story revolves around an alien tourist who defies her group to explore the most dangerous place in the universe: Earth. As fate would have it, she crosses paths with two curious teenagers, Enn and Vic, who stumble upon a mysterious party unlike any they've ever encountered.
As the alien visitor tries to navigate the peculiar human culture of Croydon, Enn finds himself drawn to her enigmatic charm while also grappling with his feelings for the rebellious punk girl, Zan. The trio embarks on a journey of self-discovery, challenging conventions and societal expectations. Blending elements of romance, comedy, and fantasy, the film explores themes of individuality, acceptance, and the transcendence of love.
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker John Cameron Mitchell and adapted from Neil Gaiman's short story, How to Talk to Girls at Parties offers a visually stunning and delightfully offbeat experience. With an eclectic soundtrack featuring punk rock legends, the film captures the essence of youthful rebellion and the universal longing for connection. Strap in for an out-of-this-world adventure that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about love and human existence.
Also Known As:
How to Talk to Girls at PartiesRelease Date:
25 May 2018Writers:
Philippa Goslett, John Cameron Mitchell, Neil GaimanAwards:
9 nominations