House of the Dragon is a highly anticipated prequel to the critically acclaimed series Game of Thrones. Set 200 years before the events of the original show, it delves into the rich history and drama of House Targaryen. This thrilling saga transports viewers to a time when dragons ruled the skies and the seven kingdoms were steeped in political intrigue.
In House of the Dragon, fans can expect a narrative that explores the rise and fall of House Targaryen, known for their close kinship with dragons. The series offers a captivating glimpse into their tumultuous family dynamics, as well as their quest for power and dominance. With stunning visuals and masterful storytelling, House of the Dragon promises to transport audiences back to the vibrant and treacherous world of Westeros.
This highly-anticipated prequel is produced by award-winning creators and features an impressive ensemble cast who bring the complex and fascinating characters to life. Fans of Game of Thrones will surely appreciate the familiar themes, breathtaking landscapes, and epic battles that have become synonymous with the franchise.
House of the Dragon is a must-watch for both die-hard fans of the original series and newcomers alike. This captivating prequel is sure to deliver another unforgettable journey through the realms of Westeros, satisfying viewers' thirst for action, drama, and intrigue.
Also Known As:
House of the DragonRelease Date:
21 Aug 2022Writers:
Ryan J. Condal, George R.R. MartinAwards:
Won 1 Primetime Emmy. 13 wins & 69 nominations total