Hospital Playlist is a heartwarming and relatable Korean drama series that follows the lives of five doctors who have been inseparable friends since their time in medical school in 1999. These doctors, who specialize in different medical fields, work and spend time together at Yulje Medical Center, forming an unbreakable bond over the years.
The series takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster as it explores the joys, struggles, and challenges faced by these doctors in their professional and personal lives. Each episode delves into the complexities of their work as they navigate through difficult cases and make life-saving decisions, while also maintaining a strong camaraderie and supporting each other through thick and thin.
Aside from their professional endeavors, the series showcases their personal relationships, including their romantic interests and friendships outside of the hospital. Viewers get a glimpse into their multifaceted lives, filled with laughter, tears, and plenty of heartwarming moments.
Hospital Playlist stands out for its well-developed characters, engaging storytelling, and realistic portrayal of the medical profession. It strikes a perfect balance between medical drama and slice-of-life storytelling, captivating viewers with its compelling narrative.
This series is a must-watch for anyone looking for a captivating and heartwarming drama that beautifully combines friendship, love, and the daily challenges faced by medical professionals.
Also Known As:
Hospital PlaylistRelease Date:
12 Mar 2020Awards:
1 win & 2 nominations