Horizon Line is a gripping survival thriller that takes viewers on a heart-pounding journey. The story follows a couple, Sara and Jackson, as they embark on a small plane destined for a tropical island wedding. However, their romantic getaway takes a terrifying turn when their pilot suddenly suffers a heart attack mid-flight.
With no one else on board who can fly the plane, Sara and Jackson find themselves thrust into a life-or-death situation. As they struggle to regain control of the aircraft, tensions rise and their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. With limited fuel and a rapidly approaching storm, they must make split-second decisions to stay alive.
Directed by Mikael Marcimain and featuring captivating performances by Allison Williams and Alexander Dreymon, Horizon Line is a thrilling and intense cinematic experience. As the couple fights against the odds and their own fears, viewers will be on the edge of their seats, wondering if they can find a way to land the plane safely and make it out alive.
This pulse-pounding survival film will keep audiences captivated from start to finish, delivering a rollercoaster of emotions and adrenaline-fueled moments. With its compelling narrative and nail-biting suspense, Horizon Line is a must-watch for fans of gripping thrillers.