Hope Lost (2015) is a gripping drama that follows the story of a young Romanian girl named Hope, who yearns to escape the monotony of her small town life and immerse herself in the glamorous world she sees on Italian soap operas. One fateful night at a club, Hope meets Gabriel, a seemingly charming TV producer who promises to fulfill her dreams by casting her in a reality TV show in Italy.
However, Hope's dreams quickly turn into a nightmare when she arrives in Italy and is sold to a ruthless pimp named Manol. Forced into a life of prostitution, Hope struggles to survive on the unforgiving streets. Her situation takes an even more sinister turn with the arrival of Ettore, a sadistic individual who produces snuff movies.
As the horrors of her reality become increasingly unbearable, Hope must summon all her strength and resilience to find a way out of this hellish existence. With each passing day, Hope fights to hold onto her humanity and reclaim the life that was stolen from her.
Directed by David Petrucci, Hope Lost is a dark and gritty exploration of the dark underbelly of human trafficking and the strength of the human spirit. With its intense performances and powerful storytelling, this film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.