Hoodlum (1997) is a gripping crime drama set in 1930 Harlem, where a group of black gangsters find themselves at odds with powerful mobster Dutch Schultz. As Schultz attempts to infiltrate and take over their lucrative numbers racket, the gangsters must band together to protect their territory and livelihood. The film explores themes of loyalty, power struggles, and the dangers of organized crime during a tumultuous time in American history.
Directed by Bill Duke and starring Laurence Fishburne, Tim Roth, and Vanessa Williams, Hoodlum is a thrilling and intense portrayal of a violent and cutthroat underworld where survival depends on alliances and betrayals. The film's stunning visuals and engaging performances bring the characters and the era to life, immersing viewers in a world where danger lurks around every corner.
With its compelling storyline and dynamic characters, Hoodlum is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and historical films. Experience the tension and drama of 1930s Harlem as these gangsters fight for control against a formidable foe in this riveting and action-packed movie.
Directed by Bill Duke and starring Laurence Fishburne, Tim Roth, and Vanessa Williams, Hoodlum is a thrilling and intense portrayal of a violent and cutthroat underworld where survival depends on alliances and betrayals. The film's stunning visuals and engaging performances bring the characters and the era to life, immersing viewers in a world where danger lurks around every corner.
With its compelling storyline and dynamic characters, Hoodlum is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and historical films. Experience the tension and drama of 1930s Harlem as these gangsters fight for control against a formidable foe in this riveting and action-packed movie.