In the action-packed thriller Homefront (2013), a former DEA agent named Phil Broker decides to lead a peaceful life with his young daughter in a small, quiet town after the death of his wife. Looking for a fresh start, he hopes to find solace in their new home, but little does he know, the town is not as idyllic as it seems.
Soon after settling down, Broker becomes entangled in a dangerous conflict with a ruthless meth druglord named Gator Bodine, who rules the town with an iron fist. As Gator discovers Broker's law enforcement background, he becomes determined to eliminate the new resident who poses a threat to his illicit operations.
With his past catching up to him, Broker must protect his daughter and defend their home against Gator's increasingly violent attacks. As the tension rises and the stakes escalate, Broker must rely on his expertise and resourcefulness to outsmart the druglord and his gang.
Homefront takes audiences on an adrenaline-fueled journey, filled with intense action sequences and gripping suspense. Starring an amazing cast including Jason Statham, James Franco, and Kate Bosworth, this film explores the lengths a parent would go to protect their family against a seemingly unstoppable menace.
Get ready for an edge-of-your-seat experience as Homefront delves into the dangerous world of narcotics, crime, and the fight for survival.
Also Known As:
HomefrontRelease Date:
27 Nov 2013Writers:
Sylvester Stallone (screenplay by), Chuck Logan (based on the novel by)Awards:
1 nomination.