Herbie Goes Bananas
Herbie Goes Bananashttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/MV5BOTYwZThhZGQtNGM2Ny00YTAwLTgxYTEtYmVhZGU0ODU4MzYxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Herbie Goes Bananas

The adorable little VW helps its owners break up a counterfeiting ring in Mexico.


Join Pete Stancheck and his friend Davy Johns on an adventure like no other in the 1980 film, Herbie Goes Bananas. Inheriting a race car from his Uncle Jim Douglas stored in Puerto Vallarta, Pete is disappointed to find out that the car is an older model Volkswagen Beetle. However, his disappointment quickly turns to awe as he discovers that the car has a mind of its own and incredible capabilities. Pete and Davy decide to enter Herbie into the Brazil Grand Primeo formula one race.

On their journey to Rio de Janeiro, Herbie gets Pete and Davy into one predicament after another. Along the way, they meet a streetwise orphan named Paco, who ends up stowing away in Herbie's trunk. Together, they navigate through dangerous situations and find themselves in need of quick cash. Pete and Davy enlist the help of Louise Trent and her niece Melissa, who agree to be their financiers. Pete is tasked with charming the shy Melissa, which brings about feelings of guilt.

Unbeknownst to them, Paco is being chased by criminals who he inadvertently stole film from, showcasing the whereabouts of valuable Incan treasures. As they make their way to Rio, Herbie must protect Pete, Davy, Louise, Melissa, and Paco from the bad guys while also preventing them from pillaging the treasures.

Will Pete and Melissa's romance blossom? Will Louise find love with Captain Blythe? Join them on this whirlwind adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and the magic of Herbie.

Also Known As:

Herbie Goes Bananas

Release Date:

25 Jun 1980


Don Tait, Gordon Buford


2 nominations