Henry: en massmördare (1986) is a chilling psychological thriller loosely inspired by the real-life serial killer Henry Lee Lucas. The film revolves around the sinister duo of Henry and his roommate Otis, as they descend into a world of indiscriminate murder.
The chilling killing spree commences when Otis' sister, Becky, comes to live with them. Henry introduces Otis to his sinister hobby, resulting in a horrifying chain of events. The victims they choose are completely random, unsuspecting individuals who become unfortunate targets of their brutal violence.
The film takes viewers on a nightmarish journey as Henry and Otis commit heinous acts with no regard for human life. No witnesses are left alive, reflecting Henry's complete lack of compassion and his determination to cover his tracks.
Notably, one especially gruesome incident involves the murder of an entire family during a home invasion. The bloodshed intensifies as the twisted dynamic between the characters unfolds, revealing the depths of their depravity.
With its unflinching and unsettling portrayal of violence, Henry: en massmördare offers a disturbing exploration of the mind of a murderer. This psychological thriller will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, delving into the darkest corners of human nature.