Head On A Plate (2023) is a thrilling sci-fi horror film set in a small rural town near the infamous Area 51. The town becomes the battleground for a shapeshifting Alien creature from outer space, which is part of a brain-eating race that indulges in beheading and consuming humans. As chaos ensues, the townspeople must unite and fight against this extraterrestrial menace to save their lives and prevent the ultimate destruction of their community.
The film is filled with suspenseful moments and heart-pounding action scenes as the Alien relentlessly hunts and feeds on unsuspecting victims. With its ability to change forms, the creature proves to be a formidable enemy, making it even more challenging for the townspeople to defeat.
Head On A Plate explores themes of survival, resilience, and the power of community in the face of an otherworldly threat. The film provides a fresh take on the Alien invasion genre, offering a unique blend of horror and science fiction. It keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense plot twists and unexpected turns.
Directed by a talented team of filmmakers, Head On A Plate delivers gripping performances and stunning visual effects that immerse viewers in its terrifying world. This compelling sci-fi horror film is a must-watch for fans of the genre, offering a thrilling and suspenseful experience from start to finish.
Also Known As:
Head on a PlateRelease Date:
21 Nov 2023Writers:
Gary Dean Orona, Tabitha Stevens