In Hatching (2022), a captivating and heartwarming family film, we follow the journey of a young gymnast as she navigates her desire to please her demanding mother. Life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles upon a mysterious egg. Eager to nurture her newfound treasure, she begins to hide and care for it, hoping for something magical to happen.
The anticipation builds as the egg gradually hatches, revealing a creature that shocks everyone involved. The young girl, her mother, and the entire community find themselves embarking on an extraordinary adventure that tests their bonds and challenges their perspectives.
Hatching beautifully explores themes of family, self-discovery, and the power of unexpected relationships. Filled with warmth and emotion, this film brings together a talented cast and stunning visuals to create an unforgettable experience for viewers of all ages.
With its heartwarming storyline and relatable characters, Hatching captures the essence of a unique and enchanting journey. Don’t miss this captivating family film, as it reminds us that sometimes the most extraordinary things can hatch from the simplest beginnings.
Also Known As:
HatchingRelease Date:
04 Mar 2022Writers:
Hanna Bergholm, Ilja RautsiAwards:
2 nominations