Harvey Street Kids is an exciting animated series that takes viewers into the vibrant world of three fun-loving girls. Set in their hometown, the show follows Audrey, Lotta, and Dot as they navigate the bustling neighbourhood of Harvey Street, which is exclusively inhabited by kids.
This delightful series is filled with non-stop adventure and thrilling escapades that will keep kids entertained and engaged. Viewers will join the trio as they embark on various daring quests, face exciting challenges, and unravel mysteries. The girls' remarkable friendship and unwavering dedication to their community serve as the heart of the show, reinforcing positive values such as teamwork, compassion, and inclusivity.
Harvey Street Kids is an excellent choice for young audiences due to its relatable characters and humorous storytelling. Each episode is crafted with humor and wit, ensuring that laughter is in abundance. The animation style is vibrant and visually appealing, capturing the lively spirit of Harvey Street.
With its engaging storyline and valuable life lessons, Harvey Street Kids is a must-watch series for children and families alike. Join Audrey, Lotta, and Dot as they embrace friendship, face challenges, and navigate the thrilling adventures of Harvey Street.
Also Known As:
Harvey Street KidsRelease Date:
29 Jun 2018Writers:
Emily Brundige, Brendan Hay