Happiness for Sale is a heartwarming and comedic film that follows the journey of Mi-na, a young woman faced with financial struggles. After getting suspended from her job and dealing with her father's hospitalization, Mi-na finds herself in desperate need of money to support her family. As a solution, she decides to sell her father's shop. However, there's a catch - in order to find a buyer, she must first bring back its popularity.
With determination and a touch of creativity, Mi-na embarks on a mission to revitalize the old shop and attract customers. Along the way, she encounters numerous challenges and quirky characters. From organizing unique events to implementing clever marketing strategies, Mi-na's efforts are met with both humorous and heartwarming moments.
The film provides an insight into the struggles of small businesses and the lengths people will go to help their loved ones. Mi-na's journey becomes more than just reviving a shop; it becomes a tale of love, perseverance, and the importance of community support.
Happiness for Sale appeals to a wide range of audiences with its mix of comedy, drama, and romance. Filled with touching moments, lighthearted humor, and a relatable storyline, this feel-good film is sure to captivate viewers and leave them rooting for Mi-na's success.