In the movie Gunner (2024), Lee Gunner finds himself in a race against time to protect his sons, Luke and Travis, from a menacing drug gang. As a devoted father, Gunner is determined to keep his family safe at all costs. Faced with mounting threats and dangers, Gunner must navigate the treacherous underworld to rescue his sons from the clutches of the ruthless criminals.
As the tension escalates, Gunner's resolve is put to the ultimate test as he fights to outwit and outmaneuver his adversaries. With gripping action sequences and emotional stakes, Gunner (2024) is a heart-pounding thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats throughout.
Witness the relentless determination of a father on a harrowing mission to protect his loved ones in Gunner (2024). This high-octane film delivers a thrilling blend of suspense, drama, and action that will leave audiences craving for more. Join Gunner on his adrenaline-fueled quest to safeguard his family from the grips of danger.
Also Known As:
GunnerRelease Date:
16 Aug 2024Writers:
Dimitri Logothetis, Gary Scott Thompson