In Guess Who (2024), a family's routine gathering takes a terrifying turn when a psychotic killer infiltrates their home, operating under a mysterious and unconventional guise. The film follows the chilling events that unfold as this sinister figure sets out to fulfill a dark and deadly mission, leaving the unsuspecting family members in a fight for survival. As tensions rise and trust is tested, the family must navigate a treacherous cat-and-mouse game with their unseen assailant, unsure of who can be trusted or where the next threat may come from.
Featuring suspenseful twists and an intense atmosphere, Guess Who keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the family races against time to uncover the true identity and motives of their murderous intruder. With its gripping storyline and compelling performances, this suspenseful thriller offers a nail-biting experience that will leave audiences breathless until the very end. Prepare for a pulse-pounding ride as the family fights for their lives in Guess Who (2024).
Also Known As:
Guess WhoRelease Date:
19 Jan 2024Writers:
Ian Carpenter, Aaron Martin, Matt Wells