Gringo (2018) is a thrilling dark comedy that combines white-knuckle action with dramatic intrigue. The story follows Harold Soyinka, a law-abiding businessman played by David Oyelowo, who finds himself pushed to his limits in a battle for survival. Harold's life takes a dangerous turn when he becomes a wanted man, forcing him to navigate through a treacherous world of drug cartels and corrupt businessmen.
As Harold embarks on a frantic journey to save his own life, he uncovers shocking secrets and unexpected alliances. Along the way, he encounters colorful characters, including a black-ops mercenary portrayed by Charlize Theron and a hilarious, but morally ambiguous, businessman played by Joel Edgerton.
With twists and turns at every corner, Gringo keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as it delves into themes of greed, deception, and the consequences of crossing moral boundaries. Director Nash Edgerton masterfully combines humor, action, and suspense to create a captivating cinematic experience.
Gringo is the perfect movie for fans of adrenaline-pumping action and dark comedy. Its stellar cast, including Oyelowo, Theron, and Edgerton, deliver outstanding performances, adding depth and complexity to their characters. This film will leave viewers entertained and pondering the lengths they would go to in order to survive in a world gone wrong.
Also Known As:
GringoRelease Date:
09 Mar 2018Writers:
Anthony Tambakis, Matthew StoneAwards:
2 nominations