In Gordon & Paddy (2017), viewers are taken on a heartwarming journey into the charming world of a young mouse named Paddy who unexpectedly finds himself in a leadership position as Police Superintendent. The film, adapted from the beloved book by Ulf Nilsson and Gitte Spee, combines adventure, mystery, and friendship in a delightful 2D animated setting.
As Paddy navigates his new responsibilities, he forms an unlikely but endearing partnership with a wise toad named Gordon. Together, the duo tackles various cases and learns important lessons about teamwork, courage, and empathy along the way.
With stunning animation and a captivating storyline, Gordon & Paddy is a must-watch for audiences of all ages. Whether you're a fan of heartwarming tales or simply looking for a feel-good film to enjoy with the whole family, this charming adventure is sure to leave a lasting impression. Join Paddy and Gordon on their exciting escapades as they strive to uphold justice and make their community a better place.
Also Known As:
Gordon and PaddyRelease Date:
22 Dec 2017Writers:
Ulf Nilsson, Gitte Spee, Jan VierthAwards:
2 nominations