In the near future, a drifter named Jim, portrayed by Zac Efron, stumbles upon an incredible discovery in the desert - the biggest gold nugget ever seen. As news of the finding spreads, Jim realizes that he must protect the nugget from thieves in the harsh and desolate conditions surrounding him. To complicate matters further, he must also contend with wild dogs who pose a threat to both him and the precious treasure.
As Jim awaits the return of his partner, tensions rise, and he finds himself caught in a paranoid and dangerous game of survival. With thieves closing in and his sanity at stake, Jim grapples with the weight of his find and the lengths he must go to protect it.
Gold is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that captivates viewers with its intense atmosphere and relentless pursuit of wealth. Zac Efron delivers a compelling performance as Jim, capturing both his vulnerability and determination in the face of immense pressure. The film explores themes of greed, isolation, and the lengths one will go to hold onto something valuable.
From its stunning desert landscapes to its heart-pounding chase sequences, Gold immerses viewers in a world where the pursuit of riches exposes the true character of its protagonists. Directed by a highly acclaimed director, this film promises to take audiences on a thrilling and unforgettable journey that will leave them questioning their own desires and the consequences of their actions.
Also Known As:
GoldRelease Date:
18 Mar 2022Writers:
Anthony Hayes, Polly Smyth