In the distant future, humanity finds itself defeated multiple times by a dominant force on Earth known as kaijus and their ruler, Godzilla, The King of the Monsters. This devastating defeat prompts humanity to make plans to abandon their planet and search for a new home. A select group of individuals is chosen to explore a potential habitable planet. However, their hopes are shattered when they discover that the new planet is not suitable for civilization.
With their last resort shattered, humanity must devise a new plan to reclaim their home by defeating Godzilla. They realize that the only way to achieve this is through a daring mission to face the colossal creature head-on. Fueled by determination and the desire to restore their world, the group of individuals embarks on a dangerous and desperate mission to vanquish Godzilla and reclaim Earth from the oppressive reign of the kaijus.
Gojira: Kaijû Wakusei is an action-packed science fiction film that takes audiences on a thrilling journey as humanity fights for survival against the overwhelming threat of Godzilla and the kaijus. With stunning visual effects and captivating storytelling, this movie explores the themes of resilience, courage, and the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Join the epic battle for Earth in this exciting and suspenseful tale of survival and redemption.
Also Known As:
Godzilla: Planet of the MonstersRelease Date:
17 Jan 2018Writers:
Gen Urobuchi (original story), Gen Urobuchi (screenplay), Gen Urobuchi (series composition), Sadayuki Murai (series composition), Yusuke Kozaki (series composition)