Ghost Brothers: Light's Out is a gripping paranormal reality series that follows the thrilling adventures of three brothers, Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass, and Marcus Harvey, as they embark on a mission to investigate some of the most haunted locations in the country. With their unique blend of humor, wit, and unorthodox methods, these charismatic investigators delve into disturbed hotspots, revealing the chilling tales of local legends and supernatural phenomena.
In each episode, the Ghost Brothers fearlessly confront the spirits lurking in these haunted locations. With the help of advanced equipment and their intuitive senses, they aim to unravel the mysteries behind these ghostly encounters. From abandoned asylums to notorious haunted houses, they leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of the truth.
Not only do the Ghost Brothers seek to document evidence of the paranormal, but they also strive to understand the reasons why these spirits continue to linger in these spaces. Through engaging interviews with witnesses and thorough research, they piece together the puzzle of each haunting, shedding light on the untold stories behind these ghostly tales.
Join the Ghost Brothers as they bring their own brand of humor, authenticity, and a fresh perspective to the realm of paranormal investigation. Be prepared for spine-chilling encounters, nail-biting suspense, and a captivating journey that will leave you questioning the existence of a supernatural world. Ghost Brothers: Light's Out is your passport to the other side.
Also Known As:
Ghost Brothers: Light's OutRelease Date:
17 Apr 2021