In the heartwarming holiday film Get Santa (2014), join a recently paroled prisoner named Steve as he embarks on a remarkable adventure with his young son, Tom, to save Christmas. When Santa Claus unexpectedly finds himself arrested and thrown in jail, the fate of the festive season hangs in the balance. Left without a Santa to deliver presents and spread joy, Steve and Tom must race against time to ensure that Christmas is not ruined.
With the help of some newfound friends and Santa's trusted reindeer, Steve and Tom develop a clever plan to spring Santa from jail. Along the way, they encounter unexpected challenges and comedic mishaps that test their resolve. As they navigate through a world of gift-wrapping ninjas, reindeer on the loose, and secret elf commandos, the father-son duo discovers the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of family.
Get Santa captures the magic and excitement of the holiday season, delivering a message of hope, friendship, and the power of believing in the impossible. This heartwarming film, directed by Christopher Smith, combines comedy, adventure, and a hint of Christmas magic, making it perfect for the entire family to enjoy. So gather your loved ones and immerse yourself in this enchanting tale, as the unlikely heroes strive to save Santa and bring joy to children around the world.
Also Known As:
Get SantaRelease Date:
12 Dec 2014Writers:
Christopher SmithAwards:
1 nomination