In Get Hard, a hilarious comedy, Kevin Hart portrays Darnell, a devoted family man striving to provide a better life for his loved ones by purchasing a house in a more affluent neighborhood. Meanwhile, Will Ferrell plays James, a timid stock trader facing a lengthy prison sentence of 10 years. In an attempt to toughen himself up for his impending incarceration, James enlists the help of Darnell.
The twist in the story arises from James' assumption that Darnell is an ex-convict, despite Darnell never actually claiming to be one. James's assumption leads him to believe that Darnell possesses the knowledge and experience needed to survive in prison. And so, he hires him to prepare him for life behind bars.
As the preparations ensue, Darnell takes James through a series of comically misguided exercises meant to toughen him up. However, amidst the hilarity, a genuine friendship forms between the two men as they learn from each other's misconceptions and prejudices.
Get Hard explores the themes of stereotypes and assumptions in a light-hearted, entertaining manner, while also delivering plenty of laughs along the way. Hart's fast-paced comedic delivery combines seamlessly with Ferrell's affable and slightly clueless character, resulting in an uproarious and enjoyable film that will leave viewers laughing out loud.
Also Known As:
Get HardRelease Date:
27 Mar 2015Writers:
Jay Martel, Ian Roberts, Etan CohenAwards:
2 nominations