In the action-packed film Game of Death II (1980), viewers are thrust into a world of vengeance and justice-seeking as Bobby, the brother of the slain Billy Lo, sets off on a relentless quest to avenge his brother's death. Fueled by the desire to bring the perpetrators responsible for his brother's murder to justice, Bobby embarks on a dangerous and thrilling journey that tests his physical and mental strength.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns as Bobby navigates through a maze of danger and deception to uncover the truth behind his brother's untimely demise. Along the way, Bobby encounters a cast of characters who may hold the key to unraveling the mystery surrounding his brother's death.
Packed with adrenaline-pumping fight scenes and heart-stopping suspense, Game of Death II keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Will Bobby succeed in his mission to avenge his brother's death, or will he fall victim to the same forces that took his brother's life? Watch now to find out.
Also Known As:
Game of Death IIRelease Date:
01 Mar 1980Writers:
Tin-Shing Ho, Chuo-Lun Ting