In Galaxy Quest, a sci-fi comedy film released in 1999, the story revolves around the former cast members of a popular space opera TV series called Galaxy Quest. Jason Nesmith, the actor who played the charismatic Captain of the starship, is struggling to find purpose in his post-show life. Suddenly, a group of aliens known as Thermians arrives on Earth, mistaking the TV show for historical documents and seeking help in their quest to defeat an evil warlord, General Sarris.
Unbeknownst to the actors, the Thermians have the capability to create functional replicas of the show's spaceship, and they transport the entire cast onto it. Initially believing it to be an elaborate fan event, the actors soon realize the seriousness of the situation as they are thrust into a real intergalactic conflict.
As the disoriented cast members adapt to their new roles and try to navigate the dangerous situations they face, they must not only save themselves but also protect both Earth and the Thermians from Sarris' treachery. With humor and clever references to the science fiction genre, Galaxy Quest is a delightful and entertaining space adventure that ultimately explores themes of heroism, friendship, and the power of embracing one's true self.
Also Known As:
Galaxy QuestRelease Date:
25 Dec 1999Writers:
David Howard, Robert GordonAwards:
7 wins & 14 nominations