Furie is a thrilling Vietnamese action film directed by Le Van Kiet. The story revolves around Paul, who returns from a vacation with his family only to discover that their house has been invaded by squatters. This unexpected and disturbing situation sets the stage for a heart-pounding tale of a mother's determination to rescue her daughter.
Veronica Ngo delivers a captivating performance as Hai Phuong, a former gangster with a troubled past, known for her fearsome fighting skills. When her daughter is kidnapped by the invaders, Hai Phuong embarks on a dangerous mission to bring her back, unleashing her wrath on anyone who stands in her way.
The film's action sequences are intense and expertly choreographed, showcasing Hai Phuong's relentless determination and martial arts prowess. As she fights her way through a criminal underworld, she discovers shocking truths about her own past that add depth and complexity to the narrative.
Furie blends elements of a gripping drama with adrenaline-pumping action, offering viewers a thrilling and emotionally charged cinema experience. The film not only showcases Ngo's exceptional acting skills but also highlights the talents of the Vietnamese film industry, demonstrating its ability to produce high-quality and thrilling movies.
With its captivating storyline and impressive action sequences, Furie is a must-watch film that will keep viewers hooked until the very end.
Also Known As:
FurieRelease Date:
01 Mar 2019Writers:
Olivier Abbou (screenplay), Aurélien Molas (screenplay), Aurélien Molas (story by)Awards:
2 nominations.