In the thought-provoking sci-fi thriller, Frequency (2000), an accidental cross-time radio connection between a father and son changes their lives forever. Set across a span of 30 years, the gripping narrative follows John Sullivan, a present-day firefighter, who discovers he can communicate with his deceased father, Frank Sullivan, via an old ham radio. Determined to prevent his father's tragic death during a fire, John alters the past, unwittingly creating a ripple effect that drastically alters the present.
Directed by Gregory Hoblit, Frequency combines elements of science fiction, mystery, and drama to explore the complex relationship between fathers and sons. The film showcases the emotional journey of John as he grapples with the consequences of his actions and must find a way to restore his altered reality.
With its compelling storyline and strong performances from lead actors Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel, Frequency captivates audiences with its unique twist on time travel and its exploration of the power of connections across generations. This thrilling tale keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they contemplate the implications of altering the past and the sacrifices one is willing to make to save a loved one.
Don't miss this extraordinary film that delves into the timeless themes of family, love, and the indomitable human spirit – now available for streaming on our platform.
Also Known As:
FrequencyRelease Date:
28 Apr 2000Writers:
Toby EmmerichAwards:
2 wins & 8 nominations