In the romantic comedy French Kiss (1995), a woman embarks on a journey to France to confront her unfaithful fiance. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when she encounters a charming con artist who manipulates her into unknowingly smuggling goods across borders. As they navigate through various escapades and misadventures, the unlikely duo finds themselves forming a strange yet undeniable bond.
With a mix of comedy, romance, and a dash of suspense, French Kiss is a delightful tale of self-discovery, love, and unexpected relationships that bloom in the most unlikely circumstances. The film showcases the picturesque landscapes of France, adding a touch of whimsy and charm to the storyline. And as the characters navigate through their newfound companionship, they discover that sometimes, love and adventure can be found in the most unconventional of ways.
Join the delightful journey filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and unexpected twists in French Kiss, a film that will sweep you off your feet and leave you smiling.
Also Known As:
French KissRelease Date:
05 May 1995Writers:
Adam BrooksAwards:
2 nominations