In the animated film Free Birds (2013), two turkeys find themselves on an unexpected adventure that could change the course of history. Reggie, a smart but anxious turkey, lives a comfortable life on a farm, but he's aware of the Thanksgiving tradition that threatens his kind every year. Jake, a fearless and eccentric turkey, recruits Reggie to join him on a mission to travel back in time and prevent turkeys from becoming a Thanksgiving meal.
As the unlikely duo embarks on their time-traveling journey, they face various obstacles and meet other colorful characters along the way. They soon discover a secret government project known as S.T.E.V.E that plays a crucial role in their mission. With determination and teamwork, Reggie and Jake race against time to alter the past and secure a better future for turkeys everywhere.
Filled with humor, adventure, and heartwarming moments, Free Birds takes viewers on a thrilling and poignant journey. The film delivers messages of friendship, perseverance, and the importance of challenging long-standing traditions for the greater good. With stunning animation and a talented voice cast, this family-friendly movie is sure to captivate audiences of all ages and leave them questioning the ways in which we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Also Known As:
Free BirdsRelease Date:
01 Nov 2013Writers:
Scott Mosier, Jimmy Hayward, David I. SternAwards:
2 nominations