Freaks of Nature is a comedic horror film set in the tranquil town of Dillford where humans, vampires, and zombies coexist peacefully until an unexpected alien invasion disrupts their harmony. In this hilarious and action-packed adventure, three teenagers from different species - a human, a vampire, and a zombie - form an unlikely alliance to save their town.
As chaos ensues, the trio embarks on a quest to unravel the mystery behind the invasion and find a way to restore peace. Along their journey, they encounter eccentric characters, including a wise-cracking vampire hunter and a zombie with unexpected talents. With teamwork and humor, the three misfit heroes navigate through the horrors of both the alien invasion and their own personal conflicts, showcasing the power of unity and acceptance.
Freaks of Nature seamlessly blends different genres, combining elements of horror, comedy, and sci-fi, to deliver an entertaining and unique cinematic experience. The film explores themes of acceptance, friendship, and overcoming differences, while also providing thrilling action sequences and snappy humor.
Directed by Robbie Pickering, Freaks of Nature boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Nicholas Braun, Mackenzie Davis, and Josh Fadem, who bring their characters to life with great chemistry and comedic timing. With its witty dialogue, captivating visuals, and a fresh take on the supernatural genre, this film guarantees to keep audiences entertained and laughing throughout.
Also Known As:
Freaks of NatureRelease Date:
30 Oct 2015Writers:
Oren UzielAwards:
5 nominations