Främling vid vatten (2013), directed by Alain Guiraudie, is a gripping drama that explores the complexities of love, desire, and morality. Set at a lakeside gay cruising beach, the film follows Franck, a muscular and attractive gay man who is in search of love.
Amidst the backdrop of pudgy nude sunbathers, Franck befriends Henri, a middle-aged bisexual man who is battling his own inner demons. The two strike up a friendship, with Franck enjoying the solace Henri's company brings him.
Their tranquil existence is disrupted when Michel, a mysterious and alluring man, enters the scene. Franck is instantly captivated by Michel and desires to know him sexually. However, as Franck delves deeper into Michel's life, he discovers a dark secret - Michel has killed his gay lover.
Despite being torn by the knowledge, Franck decides to keep Michel's secret, as he contemplates having a relationship with this handsome yet unrepentant killer.
Främling vid vatten is a thought-provoking exploration of human nature, showcasing the blurred lines between desire, attraction, and the moral boundaries we set for ourselves. With its stunning cinematography and powerful performances, this film offers a raw and honest portrayal of the complexities of human relationships. Prepare to be captivated and challenged by Främling vid vatten.