Framed: A Sicilian Murder Mystery is a thrilling dark comedy series set in the picturesque landscapes of Sicily. The story revolves around two bumbling TV technicians who inadvertently stumble upon a murder scene and find themselves caught up in a web of danger and intrigue.
As the duo tries to avoid becoming primary suspects, they unwittingly dig themselves into deeper trouble with each step they take. Filled with unexpected twists and turns, the series takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as the technicians desperately try to clear their names and uncover the truth behind the murder.
With stunning cinematography that showcases the beauty of Sicily, Framed: A Sicilian Murder Mystery immerses viewers into a world of mystery and suspense. The series seamlessly blends elements of comedy and suspense, offering audiences a unique and gripping viewing experience.
Led by a talented ensemble cast, the characters in Framed: A Sicilian Murder Mystery are distinctly charismatic and add depth to the narrative. The witty dialogue, combined with the charming chemistry between the leads, keeps viewers engaged and entertained throughout the series.
With its intriguing storyline, stunning visuals, and compelling performances, Framed: A Sicilian Murder Mystery is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and dark comedies alike. Don't miss this thrilling series that will leave you guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Framed! A Sicilian Murder MysteryRelease Date:
27 Jan 2022Writers:
Leonardo Fasoli, Maddalena Ravagli