Four Cousins and A Christmas is a heartfelt movie that centers around four cousins who are brought together after experiencing a devastating loss. This emotional event forces them to confront their own personal issues and brings them closer together in unexpected ways. The cousins, each with their own unique personalities, gather for a memorable night filled with laughter, tears, and plenty of fun.
Throughout the evening, the cousins bond over pizza and wine, allowing their walls to come down and for genuine connections to form. As they share their stories and memories, they realize the importance of family and the need to cherish every moment together.
Four Cousins and A Christmas is a heartwarming tale that explores themes of love, loss, and resilience. It beautifully showcases the power of family and how it can bring healing and happiness in the face of adversity. This movie will leave viewers feeling uplifted and grateful for the special bonds they share with their own loved ones.
Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as you join the four cousins on this unforgettable Christmas journey. With its relatable characters, touching storyline, and a touch of humor, Four Cousins and A Christmas is the perfect choice for a cozy night in with loved ones.
Also Known As:
Four Cousins and A ChristmasRelease Date:
07 Dec 2021Writers:
Maria Capp, Elliott Estrada, Raffaela Capp