In this family-friendly comedy, The Flintstones takes us back to the nostalgic Stone Age where Fred Flintstone and his best friend Barney Rubble work at Slate and Company, a mining company that extracts rocks. Fred lends Barney some money to help him and his wife Betty fulfill their dreams of adopting a baby. Things take an unexpected turn when both Fred and Barney are selected to take a test to determine the new associate vice president. Knowing that Fred's test answers aren't up to par, Barney selflessly decides to switch their answers, ensuring Fred's success.
As Fred settles into his newfound executive position, he remains unaware that he is being manipulated by his conniving boss, who plans to use him as a scapegoat for an embezzlement scheme. Fred's loyalty and integrity are put to the test as he navigates the cutthroat world of corporate politics and tries to uncover the truth behind the scheme.
The Flintstones is a delightful live-action adaptation of the beloved animated series, bringing the iconic characters and their humor to life. Filled with amusing stone-age gadgets, quirky townsfolk, and clever puns, this film is a treat for both fans of the original show and newcomers alike. Join Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty on a hilarious adventure that celebrates friendship, family, and the enduring spirit of the Stone Age.
Also Known As:
The FlintstonesRelease Date:
27 May 1994Writers:
Tom S. Parker, Jim Jennewein, Steven E. de SouzaAwards:
6 wins & 10 nominations.