In the movie Five Children and It (2004), a group of children discovers a unique and magical creature called 'It' on a secret beach at their uncle's mansion. 'It' is actually a Psammead, an ancient sand fairy that is ugly and irritable. However, this creature has the ability to grant one wish per day to the children, but only until sunset.
As the children begin to make their wishes, they soon realize that coming up with sensible wishes is not as easy as it seems. Each wish leads to unexpected difficulties and challenges for the children. They quickly learn that magic can be both enticing and awkward.
Five Children and It takes viewers on a thrilling and enchanting journey as the children navigate the consequences of their wishes. This family-friendly film explores the power and limitations of magic, and how it can influence the lives of those who possess it.
With its whimsical storyline and captivating characters, Five Children and It provides an entertaining and thought-provoking experience for viewers of all ages. Join the children on their magical adventure and discover the joy and challenges that come with having their wishes granted by 'It'.