Final Space (2018–2021) is a captivating animated sci-fi series that follows the thrilling intergalactic adventures of Gary, an astronaut, and his adorable but powerful companion, Mooncake. Together, they embark on a serialized journey through space in search of the ultimate truth: the enigmatic location and existence of the universe's end.
In each episode, Gary and Mooncake encounter a wide array of characters and face numerous dangerous and exhilarating challenges across the cosmos. They navigate through treacherous space battles, encounter bizarre and often comical alien creatures, and unravel the mystery that lies at the heart of Final Space.
As the series progresses, Gary and Mooncake's adventures become increasingly perilous as they encounter formidable adversaries, including the malevolent Lord Commander. Along their quest, they form an unlikely team of misfits, each with their own unique skills and attributes, who join forces to protect the universe from impending doom.
With its stunning animation and rich storytelling, Final Space is a must-watch for fans of sci-fi and adventure. The series combines thrilling action sequences with heartfelt character development, resulting in a compelling narrative that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish.
Prepare to embark on a mind-bending journey through the cosmos as Final Space takes you on an unforgettable adventure exploring the boundaries of the universe.
Also Known As:
Final SpaceRelease Date:
26 Feb 2018Writers:
Olan Rogers, David SacksAwards:
1 nomination.