Figaro and Frankie is a charming and heartwarming animated short film from 1947. The story revolves around Figaro the kitten and Frankie the canary. Figaro becomes annoyed by Frankie's constant chirping and accidentally knocks over his cage. Minnie, their owner, mistakenly believes that Figaro has eaten Frankie and she immediately throws him out of the house. However, Frankie was merely hiding and escapes outside through the window.
Unfortunately, Frankie soon finds himself in danger when he is captured by the ferocious Butch the bulldog. Figaro is torn between his guilt and the moral obligation to save Frankie. In a delightful twist, Figaro's conscience literally comes to life and engages in an internal struggle. Ultimately, Figaro overcomes his doubts and bravely rescues Frankie from the clutches of Butch.
Figaro's courageous act of saving Frankie does not go unnoticed. Minnie realizes her mistake and expresses her gratitude towards Figaro for his noble deed. This heartwarming tale showcases the importance of friendship, loyalty, and the power of doing the right thing.
With its delightful animation and uplifting message, Figaro and Frankie is a must-watch for all ages. Join Figaro and Frankie on their extraordinary adventure as they overcome challenges and prove that true friendship knows no bounds.
Also Known As:
Figaro and FrankieRelease Date:
30 May 1947Writers:
Eric Gurney, Bill de la Torre