In the movie Wetlands released in 2013, viewers are introduced to a peculiar young girl with unconventional views on hygiene and sexuality. The film revolves around her unique experiences and her deep desire for her parents, who are divorced, to reconcile.
The protagonist's eccentricity is evident through her unorthodox behavior and taboos surrounding bodily functions. She challenges societal norms by embracing her unapologetic approach to personal hygiene and embracing her own sexuality, which unfolds throughout the story. However, amidst her audacious endeavors, she holds a profound wish for her parents to reunite.
The narrative takes us on a journey as we witness the girl's gritty and raw encounters while exploring her deeply emotional connection to her family. The movie delves into her relationships and the impact her unconventional nature has on those around her. Each interaction unveils aspects of her personality that are both endearing and unconventional.
Without revealing spoilers, Wetlands is a film that explores themes of independence, acceptance, and the complexities of family dynamics. It provides a fresh perspective on societal norms while unraveling a young girl's longing for her parents' reunion. Prepare to be captivated by the protagonist's unapologetic personality and her remarkable journey towards self-discovery.
Also Known As:
WetlandsRelease Date:
22 Aug 2013Writers:
Claus Falkenberg, David Wnendt, Sabine PochhammerAwards:
3 wins & 8 nominations