In FernGully: The Last Rainforest, a captivating animated adventure from 1992, an enchanting rainforest becomes the battleground for a fight to save nature. The magical creatures that dwell within this vibrant ecosystem embark on a quest to protect their home from two formidable threats: logging and a malevolent force known as Hexxus.
As the adorable fairy Crysta discovers humans encroaching upon her beloved forest, she becomes determined to stop the destruction. With the help of her new human friend Zak, who has been shrunken to fairy size, Crysta rallies a group of quirky rainforest creatures to band together against the powerful loggers.
However, their mission becomes even more treacherous when they unleash the evil spirit Hexxus, a pollution-loving entity that feeds off destruction. Hexxus poses a significant threat to the rainforest and all its inhabitants.
FernGully: The Last Rainforest enthralls viewers with its charming animation and timeless environmental message. This family-friendly movie showcases the importance of environmental conservation, urging viewers to protect and cherish our planet's natural wonders.
Join Crysta, Zak, and their delightful friends as they battle against deforestation, pollution, and the relentless force of Hexxus. Will their determination and love for their home be enough to save the rainforest from its impending doom? Discover the magic and adventure of FernGully: The Last Rainforest and be inspired to become a true guardian of nature.
Also Known As:
FernGully: The Last RainforestRelease Date:
10 Apr 1992Writers:
Jim Cox, Diana YoungAwards:
3 wins & 1 nomination