In the action-packed film Fast Charlie (2023), viewers are introduced to Charlie Swift, a skilled fixer facing a unique challenge. When a thug he has taken down ends up missing his head, Charlie finds himself in a difficult situation - his payment is contingent on identifying the body.
Luckily, Charlie crosses paths with Marcie Kramer, the ex-wife of the deceased and a woman possessing all the necessary skills that Charlie urgently requires. Marcie proves to be a valuable asset to Charlie as they embark on a thrilling journey to identify the body and uncover the secrets surrounding the crime.
Fast Charlie offers audiences a gripping storyline filled with suspense, as Charlie and Marcie navigate through treacherous situations and encounter dangerous individuals tied to the crime. As they pursue the truth, they must also confront their own personal demons, adding an emotional depth to the narrative.
Packed with intense action sequences and gripping performances, Fast Charlie keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its fast-paced storytelling and unexpected twists. This thrilling film combines elements of mystery, crime, and drama, ensuring a captivating cinematic experience.
With its compelling storyline and dynamic characters, Fast Charlie is a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers, providing a thrilling and unforgettable cinematic adventure.
Also Known As:
Fast CharlieRelease Date:
08 Dec 2023Writers:
Richard Wenk, Victor Gischler