Fantasy Island (2020) is a thrilling horror adaptation of the beloved '70s TV show, taking audiences on a terrifying journey to a magical island resort. The movie introduces the enigmatic Mr. Roarke, the owner of Fantasy Island, who invites guests to live out their wildest fantasies. However, what seems like a dream come true soon turns into a nightmare.
As the guests arrive on the island, tensions rise and their fantasies take unexpected and horrifying turns. Melanie and her friends, Gwen and Patrick, seek revenge on their school bully, JD, but their plan spirals out of control. Meanwhile, a mysterious arrival, JD's older brother Brax, follows a dark path that challenges the boundaries of life and death.
As the fantasies intertwine, the island begins to expose the true nature of the guests' desires, unraveling their deepest secrets and fears. Soon, they realize that Fantasy Island has a sinister agenda, and they must find a way to escape before it's too late.
Fantasy Island (2020) offers a gripping and suspenseful plot filled with twists and unexpected horrors. Blending elements of fantasy, mystery, and horror, this movie takes the audience on a thrilling rollercoaster ride. With stunning visuals and a stellar cast, including Michael Peña as Mr. Roarke, Fantasy Island (2020) is a must-watch for fans of the TV show and horror enthusiasts alike.
Also Known As:
Fantasy IslandRelease Date:
14 Feb 2020Writers:
Jillian Jacobs, Christopher Roach, Jeff Wadlow