Family Guy is an animated comedy series set in the wacky town of Rhode Island, where the Griffin family tries to navigate their everyday lives amidst countless outlandish situations. Led by the well-intentioned but clueless Peter, the head of the family, they often find themselves in ridiculous predicaments that push the boundaries of comedy.
Peter's wife, Lois, attempts to maintain order in the chaos while also juggling her own aspirations. Alongside them are their three children: Meg, their socially awkward daughter; Chris, their loveable but dim-witted son; and Stewie, their genius baby who possesses a mastery of technology and a diabolical inclination.
The show embraces irreverent humor and satirizes popular culture, frequently resorting to cutaway gags and pop culture references to keep the laughs coming. The close-knit family also shares their lives with their anthropomorphic dog, Brian, whose intelligence rivals that of any human.
With its offbeat characters and clever writing, Family Guy challenges the boundaries of comedy, often delving into controversial subjects with its unabashedly inappropriate humor. This long-running series offers viewers a fresh take on the traditional sitcom, providing a constant stream of laughter and absurdity. Watch as the Griffin family tackles everything from dysfunctional relationships to absurd adventures, and discover why Family Guy has become a beloved animated sitcom around the world.
Also Known As:
Family GuyRelease Date:
31 Jan 1999Writers:
Seth MacFarlane, David ZuckermanAwards:
Won 9 Primetime Emmys. 37 wins & 112 nominations total