Family Business is a thrilling crime comedy film released in 1989. The story revolves around Adam, a young man who is offered a substantial sum of money by an ex-professor to steal plasma from a high-tech laboratory. Feeling overwhelmed by the offer, Adam seeks assistance from his criminal grandfather, Jessie, hoping to pull off the heist successfully.
However, there's a catch - Adam's father, Vito, has become an honest businessman and disapproves of his son's involvement in criminal activities. Persuading Vito becomes a challenge for Adam and Jessie, who must convince him to join their plan.
As the trio embarks on their audacious mission, they encounter numerous obstacles, including the tight security at the laboratory, unexpected relationships, and their own difficult family dynamics. The film masterfully blends elements of comedy, drama, and suspense, providing a unique viewing experience.
Directed by Sidney Lumet, Family Business offers a stellar cast, including Sean Connery as Jessie, Dustin Hoffman as Adam, and Matthew Broderick as Vito. The chemistry between the three actors adds depth and authenticity to the intergenerational relationships portrayed in the film.
With its engaging storyline, witty dialogue, and dynamic performances, Family Business provides an entertaining exploration of family bonds, morality, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. Guaranteed to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, this film is a must-watch for fans of crime comedies.
Also Known As:
Family BusinessRelease Date:
15 Dec 1989Writers:
Vincent Patrick