Familjen Rysberg is a humorous vampire comedy that follows the noble vampire family, the Rysbergs, as they are forced to leave their gothic castle in Transylvania due to a shortage of blood. They move into a rental apartment in a suburban neighborhood, where the mother, Bettan, has found a job at a blood center.
The movie revolves around the struggles of the proud father, Drak-Olle, as he finds it difficult to adapt to human life and feels out of place among the living. He longs for the days of his majestic castle and hunting for fresh blood. However, as the family tries to assimilate into modern society, they inadvertently become entangled in various humorous situations.
While navigating suburban life, the Rysbergs encounter nosy neighbors, attempt to blend in at their new school, and even find themselves dealing with a vampire hunter. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about acceptance, family, and the true meaning of being a vampire in a changing world.
Familjen Rysberg is a light-hearted comedy that combines elements of horror, fantasy, and everyday life. It offers a fresh and comedic take on vampires, balancing the supernatural with relatable themes that audiences of all ages can enjoy.