Fair Play
Fair Playhttps://nyafilm.tv/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/MV5BYTkyNGViMmQtODgxZS00MDg3LWI2YWUtNzQ3YWNlYTFiMWMyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTAyMjQ3NzQ1._V1_SX300.jpg
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Fair Play

An unexpected promotion at a cutthroat hedge fund pushes a young couple's relationship to the brink, threatening to unravel far more than their recent... engagement. Show More


Fair Play is a gripping drama film set in the high-pressure world of a cutthroat hedge fund. It follows a young couple whose relationship is tested to its limits when one of them receives an unexpected promotion. As their engagement hangs in the balance, they must navigate the treacherous waters of ambition, wealth, and power.

The film delves into the inner workings of the finance industry, shedding light on the intense competition and ruthless nature of the hedge fund world. It explores the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by its characters as they strive for success and financial gain.

Fair Play showcases the impact of the promotion on the couple's relationship, bringing their underlying issues to the surface. The increasing strain threatens to unravel not just their engagement, but their entire relationship.

With its compelling storyline and powerful performances, Fair Play is a thought-provoking film that examines the sacrifices one must make for success and the toll it can take on personal relationships. It explores themes of love, ambition, and the delicate balance between professional and personal life.

Prepare to be captivated by the intricate dynamics of love and ambition in this intense portrayal of two individuals as they navigate the high-stakes world of finance in Fair Play.

Also Known As:

Fair Play

Release Date:

13 Oct 2023


Chloe Domont


1 nomination