Ex-Addicts Club (2023–) is a heartfelt and witty comedy series that follows the lives of five individuals as they navigate the challenging journey of overcoming their past breakups. In a twist of fate, these individuals find solace and support in an unconventional, yet effective, support group they aptly name the Ex-Addicts Club.
Led by Riley, a charismatic and wise former relationship therapist, the group includes a diverse cast of characters, each with their own idiosyncrasies and quirks. There's Maggie, an ambitious lawyer who can't seem to move on from her cheating ex-boyfriend; Jake, a free-spirited musician struggling to let go of his first love; Tina, a shy and introverted accountant haunted by a toxic relationship from her past; and Mark, a charming playboy who secretly yearns for something more meaningful.
Throughout the series, the group embarks on wild adventures, engaging in unconventional therapy sessions, and sharing their triumphs and setbacks in love, all while forming an unbreakable bond of friendship and support. Together, they learn valuable lessons about self-discovery, forgiveness, and the power of moving forward.
With its relatable and lovable characters, clever writing, and a perfect blend of humor and heart, Ex-Addicts Club is a must-watch series that will leave viewers laughing, crying, and rooting for these characters as they navigate the complexities of love and healing.
Also Known As:
Ex-Addicts ClubRelease Date:
20 Apr 2023