Evil (2019–) is a captivating and thought-provoking series that delves into the mysterious world of the supernatural. The show follows a skeptical clinical psychologist, a priest-in-training, and a blue-collar contractor as they team up to investigate unusual and unexplainable events, ranging from demonic possession to other extraordinary occurrences. Together, they seek to determine if there is a scientific explanation behind these phenomena or if they are truly the work of evil forces.
Led by the brilliant Dr. Kristen Bouchard, the team encounters a variety of intriguing cases that challenge their beliefs and push the boundaries of their understanding. As they delve deeper into the unexplained, they are forced to confront their own personal demons, both literal and figurative.
Evil masterfully combines elements of psychological suspense, horror, and drama, creating an addictive viewing experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. The series skillfully blends intricate character development and intricate storytelling, exploring themes of faith, spirituality, and the nature of good and evil.
With its expertly crafted writing, compelling performances, and spine-chilling plotlines, Evil has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase. This must-watch series will leave viewers questioning their own beliefs and pondering the existence of the supernatural. Prepare to be captivated by Evil, where the line between science and the unexplainable blurs.
Also Known As:
EvilRelease Date:
26 Sep 2019Writers:
Michelle King, Robert KingAwards:
3 wins & 43 nominations